Healthy economies need two things: capital investment and a strong workforce. In recent years, our nation has enjoyed surpluses in both low-cost capital and workers
Healthy economies need two things: capital investment and a strong workforce. In recent years, our nation has enjoyed surpluses in both low-cost capital and workers
Presidents of both parties have said the best anti-poverty program is a job. The Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), designed to promote work for
About two-thirds of taxpayers pay more in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes than they do in income taxes[9]. While the EITC is a highly
To grow the workforce, one opportunity is through increased immigation. Currently, our immigration system is best defined by chaos. The rule of law is being
Changes to federal tax laws, federal income support laws, immigration laws, or other policies that expand the labor force would fuel economic growth. The CBO
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